
Marilyn Evans

It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that Marilyn died on Friday 22nd June 2018.

Marilyn, or Bo as we all knew her, joined Chippenham ASC  late in 1969 after being advised that her sons were good enough to join a swimming club. That was the start of 48 years of . . . → Read More: Marilyn Evans

ASA Level 1 Swimming Assistant (Teaching) course in Swindon

ASA Level 1 Swimming Assistant (Teaching) course in Swindon.

Start date Saturday 23rd June 2018.

-all dates/times are evenings and weekends.

I have a couple of spare places on the above course, if you are interested please contact me for full details. 

Candidates must be 16yrs by the start of the course.


Coaching and Teaching Statement


Dear Club Officer

It is vital for the future of our sport that participants are confident in the quality of activities offered by Swim England affiliated organisations. It is also very important that clubs, administrators, coaches and teachers have the peace of mind that they are covered by appropriate insurance. 

Our Coaching and Teaching . . . → Read More: Coaching and Teaching Statement

Youth Sport Nutrition – Important Please read

All Regions

It has come to our attention that a new emerging company called Youth Sport Nutrition are offering to come and talk to Regions and clubs.  Whilst they promote a food first approach and offer nutritional advice they also sell protein shakes and we are aware that they have offered discounts to parents for . . . → Read More: Youth Sport Nutrition – Important Please read

GDPR guidance from the Sport and Recreation Alliance


Swim England

As you will probably be aware, from 25 May 2018 the new law for data protection, GDPR, will be coming into effect. 

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) brings in new requirements on data controllers and data processors. Although most of the principles and terminology have not dramatically changed the GDPR enhances rights . . . → Read More: GDPR guidance from the Sport and Recreation Alliance

Swim England Membership Fee – October to December 2018

Swim England Membership Fee – October to December 2018

During 2017 a Membership Review Group was established to examine the current membership fees and structures. The Group included an empowered representative from each of the eight Regions. 

Following the review, a number of recommendations were put forward to the Sport Governing Board.  These included the . . . → Read More: Swim England Membership Fee – October to December 2018

Tribute to Malcome Anderson 1970-2018 – Weston Super Mare

Below is the online link to a memorial for Malcolm.

The funeral details are included in the memorial, plus a map.

Healthy Communities – The Small Pool, at the Health Hydro – Swindon

Swindon Dolphin ASC are working closely with, and supported by Tigersharks / Swindon ASC and Wroughton on this Swindon wide community initiative. This is primarily about the small pool at Milton Road which is something all swim clubs are committed to.

By voting for Swindon Dolphin ASC you will be giving hundreds of children . . . → Read More: Healthy Communities – The Small Pool, at the Health Hydro – Swindon


Masters at the Link Center, Saturday 3rd march has been cancelled due to extreme weather.


The Emergency committee and the majority agree that we postpone the Executive meeting due on Tuesday 6th March due to the extreme weather and given that lots of our members have far to travel.

Level 1 Teaching Course – Places Available

RWB Otters are running a closed Level 1 Teaching course.  We have had a couple of people pull out so we need to try to fill our spaces

Dates are for the Level 1 Teaching 

Saturday 17th February 1.00 – 4.00pm Holiday Inn (Jct 16)

Sunday 18th February 9.00 – 3.30pm Holiday Inn and 4.00 – 6.30pm . . . → Read More: Level 1 Teaching Course – Places Available