
Healthy Communities – The Small Pool, at the Health Hydro – Swindon

Swindon Dolphin ASC are working closely with, and supported by Tigersharks / Swindon ASC and Wroughton on this Swindon wide community initiative. This is primarily about the small pool at Milton Road which is something all swim clubs are committed to.

By voting for Swindon Dolphin ASC you will be giving hundreds of children one of the most important life skill – to learn to swim. Swindon Dolphin, along with Tigersharks / Swindon ASC and Wroughton will aim to use the majority of the £200,000 to try and reopen the teaching pool at the Health Hydro in the centre of Swindon creating a valuable new facility for schools and swimming clubs in the area.

Make your vote (and voice) count, by voting every day at :

Please help spread the word as far as you can, as the winners of the Persimmon Homes Healthy Communities will be decided purely by the public vote. The vote closes on March 16th 2018 with the winners announced on March 22nd.

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